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Background Guidelines – the following guidelines have been set forth by the Pasco Athletic League. If in the process of performing a back ground check on a volunteer any of these guidelines have been broken that volunteer will be considered ineligible to volunteer.

Revised January 2016

  1. No conviction(s) or withheld adjudications ever on charges of:
    1. animal cruelty

    2. violent crimes

    3. crimes against children

    4. crimes of a sexual nature

  1. No felony drug convictions ever.

  2. Any other felony conviction(s) not listed above must have occurred      more than 15yrs before the date of application.

  3. Any misdemeanor drug convictions must have occurred more than 10      years before the date of the application

  4. Any other misdemeanor convictions must have occurred more than 5      years before the date of application.

  5. No applications will be accepted by anyone currently on probation      from any state or federal agency.

  6. Any falsehood on an application, including omission of requested      information, will be grounds for immediate rejection of the applicant. If      the falsehood is discovered after a volunteer is initially approved for      service, that will be grounds for immediate dismissal of the volunteer.

  7. If a volunteer is arrested (not convicted) during the PAL season,      the volunteer must notify the PAL executive director within 48 hrs of      their release from jail. Failure to do so will be grounds for dismissal.

  8. No convictions of moral turpitude going against the mission of PAL

  9. An applicant must list any arrests or convictions where adjudication      was withheld or sealed by the court.

    D. Pending Explanation Letter – The Pasco Athletic League reserves the right to reject any individual desiring to volunteer in PAL. However, in certain cases the PAL may send a letter to an individual desiring to volunteer requesting a letter of explanation in order to render the final decision on granting that individual volunteer privileges within PAL.

    E. COACHES - No application will be approved until the background check has been completed. No coach may participate until approved.

    1. Head coaches must be at least 21 years of age and assistants at least 18.

    2. Coaches will be selected and approved by the local league.

    3. The names of all coaches must be submitted to the PAL Executive Director who will keep a list for review by the BOD upon request.

    4. The PAL BOD may refuse to allow a coach to participate in PAL for previous PAL rule violations.

    5. No team or squad will be left in the control of a person under 18.

    6. Coaches will foster a feeling of respect and trust for figures of authority, particularly law enforcement officers.

    7. Team discipline is the primary responsibility of coaches. The coaches will be a positive role model for their teams.

    8. Coaches will devote equal amounts of time and energy to each member on the team/squad. Coaches should be ever mindful that the goal of the program is not to develop future super stars.

    9. Head coaches will be responsible for the conduct of all assistant coaches and team members.

    10. There will be no tobacco products (This includes E-cigs & regular cigarettes) or alcoholic beverages used by coaches on the playing field, side lines, practice areas or parking lots or were mandatory. Use of such substances can results in expulsion from PAL. 



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